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The Mindful Eating Approach
Living your best life through food
Unlocking your potential
You may be surprised how much your food habits reveal about your entire life. They either help or hinder you to live at your highest potential. Our work goes deeper than accepting an idea or changing a behaviour. You deserve a life that feels good—including a mindful, heartful, and you-centric eating approach that produces the results you want.

About Michelle
I love to help people have a-ha moments. I am a trained counsellor, philosopher and university professor. I know you were meant to thrive.

About the Work
This approach helps all who want to lose weight, gain weight, or remain exactly as they are. It begins with food but goes beyond. This is about life transformation.

Upcoming Events
Sign up for mindful eating meditations and check my events calendar for upcoming classes, workshops and lectures across Edmonton, online and elsewhere.

Blog Articles
The best way to learn more about my approach and get a taste of what all this is about. I discuss mindful eating, body image, social theory and much more.